Graduation and Family Portraits

So way back when I was a newbie to the Buffalo Wedding Photographer world, Sandra was one of my most loyal clients. We did so many portrait sessions together, and I got to know her daughter from before birth to being an adorable little girl.  Then Sandra got busy. Super busy. Like, wonder-woman, mom and nursing school type of busy (for those of you who know someone who has been through nursing school, you know this means they have no time for anything).  So I was beyond thrilled when Sandra contacted me to do some graduation and family portraits for her! She has worked harder than almost anyone I know to get where she is today, and I know I'm not speaking for just myself when I say I couldn't be more proud of her!  

And how cool is it to have mom graduate from college the same year that her daughter graduates from kindergarten?!?


Rebecca + Nick | Samuel's Grand Manor


The Bala Family