Lake Ontario Family Portraits

My style has been moving slowly and steadily to the more un-posed (not that it was ever super posed), unfilered, lifestyle family portrait sessions. When Kaitlyn contacted me about some family portraits, in November, on the shores of Lake Ontario, I was a bit nervous about how well we'd all do in the freezing cold... But then she said she was looking for the "real life" type of portraits, and not super posed and I just couldn't say no, no matter how much I knew they'd all have red noses and be shivering.  But we lucked out, big time.  It was a balmy 60 degree day, and gorgeously sunny.  So I may have gone completely overboard, and took way too many pictures of them - but I'm sorry... a toddler in a man-bun?  How could you not go overboard?


Julia + Mark | Winter Engagement


Nina + Jason | Lafayette Hotel Wedding