Samantha + Sean | The Foundry
I have to be honest, since 2020 I’ve barely blogged. Half of that was because in 2020 I didn’t want to share anything that might get a venue or one of my couples in trouble depending on the protocol that day - not that I worked with any vendors that did anything that went against protocols - the protocols were just always changing at that point and I felt like it was better to be safe than to share a blog, post it on the wrong date, and have the current protocols not match up with what was ok two weeks before that. So I stopped blogging all together. I have actually barely shared anything on social media at all in the last two years. But I’ve been really wanting to get back into blogging my weddings and portrait sessions and sharing the work I’ve loved creating over the past two years (or really more, because I was starting to fail at blogging consistently back in 2019 - 2020 really just gave me an excuse to get really bad at it!).
So buckle up, because I’m going to be sharing a billion past weddings and sessions that I haven’t shared, in no particular order! And I’m starting off with this gorgeous 2020 wedding that never managed to make it onto my blog!
I loved that even in the midst of chaos, tightened restrictions, and a guest list that was cut down to bare bones - Samantha and Sean had an amazing celebration of friends, family and loved ones. Sean’s son gave probably the best toast I have ever heard - I was even crying, and I don’t cry. And the Foundry, as always, helped to make their wedding perfect.